Sunday, September 19, 2010

I'm baaaack! I was in the Duarte 15th annual Route 66 parade on Saturday the 18th of September. Got to ride in a '58 Corvette with a nice man as my driver. You can't really tell it's me, but it is - hat and all.

The bus from Westminster Gardens was also there with a 3rd vehicle [an old truck - sorry, don't know the year or make or model] with one of our couples sitting in the back.

I went to Asilomar for the Empty Spools Seminar in June with Louise [she wasn't in my class] and Marie W. and Sandy [who were in the Dear Jane class with me]. Fun week with lots of food, walking and just plain fun! The teacher, Brenda Papadakis, was fun.

Yes, I've been quilting all this time. Among other things, I've completed a bed quilt for one of our residents, a lap size quilt for the home office [SCPH] annual golf tournament, and several tops for assisted living. Each incoming resident to assisted living gets a quilt when they have their "welcome" party.